GA-64, Patia, Bhubaneswar

Brief Preview of Course Modules

The course training encompassing 8 weeks consists of 5 modules. It covers the concepts of internet and search engine, on-page and off-page optimization and social media optimization. In addition, discussions on topics and practical lessons on live projects would follow. Overall, the divided modules provide each perspective of PHP.


(PHP ─ Introduction)

1. Common Uses of PHP
2. Characteristics of PHP
3. "Hello World" Script in PHP

(PHP ─ Environment Setup)

1. PHP Parser Installation
2. PHP Installation on Linux or Unix with Apache
3. PHP Installation on Mac OS X with Apache
4. PHP Installation on Windows NT/2000/XP with IIS
5. PHP Installation on Windows NT/2000/XP with Apache
6. Apache Configuration for PHP
7. PHP.INI file Configuration

(PHP ─ Syntax Overview)

1. Escaping to PHP
2. Commenting PHP Code
3. PHP is whitespace insensitive
4. PHP is case sensitive
5. Statements are expressions terminated by semicolons
6. Expressions are combinations of tokens
7. Braces make blocks
8. Running PHP Script from Command Prompt
9. What is On-page Optimization?

(PHP ─ Variable Types)

1. Integers
2. Doubles
3. Boolean
5. Strings
6. Variable Naming
7. PHP – Variables
8. PHP Local Variables
9. PHP Function Parameters
10. PHP Global Variables
11. PHP Static Variables

(PHP ─ Constants)
(PHP ─ Operator Types)

1. Arithmetic Operators
2. Comparison Operators
3. Logical Operators
4. Assignment Operators
5. Conditional Operator
6. Operators Categories
7. Precedence of PHP Operators

(PHP ─ Decision Making)

1. The If...Else Statement
2. The ElseIf Statement
3. The Switch Statement

(PHP ─ Loop Types)

1. The for loop statement
2. The while loop statement
3. The do...while loop statement
4. The foreach loop statement
5. The break statement
6. The continue statement

(PHP ─ Arrays)

1. Numeric Array
2. Associative Arrays
3. Multidimensional Arrays

(PHP ─ Strings)

1. String Concatenation Operator
2. Using the strlen() function
3. Using the strpos() function

(PHP ─ Web Concepts)

1. Identifying Browser & Platform
2. Display Images Randomly
3. Using HTML Forms
4. Browser Redirection
5. Displaying "File Download" Dialog Box

(PHP ─ GET and POST Methods)

1. The GET Method
2. The POST Method
3. The $_REQUEST variable

(PHp ─ File Inclusion)

1. The include() Function
2. The require() Function

(PHP ─ Files & I/O)

1. Opening and Closing Files
2. Reading a file
3. Writing a File

(PHP ─ Functions)

1. Creating PHP Function
2. PHP Functions with Parameters
3. Passing Arguments by Reference
4. PHP Functions returning value
5. Setting Default Values for Function Parameters
6. Dynamic Function Calls

(PHP ─ Cookies)

1. The Anatomy of a Cookie
2. Setting Cookies with PHP
3. Accessing Cookies with PHP
4. Deleting Cookie with PHP

(PHP ─ Sessions)

1. Starting a PHP Session
2. Starting a PHP Session
3. Turning on Auto Session
4. Sessions without cookies

(PHP ─ Sending Emails)

1. Sending plain text email
2. Sending HTML email
3. Sending attachments with email

(PHP ─ File Uploading)

1. Creating an Upload Form
2. Creating an upload script

(PHP ─ Coding Standard)


(PHP ─ Predefined Variables)

1. PHP Superglobals
2. Server variables: $_SERVER

(PHP ─ Regular Expression)

1. POSIX Regular Expressions
2. PHP's Regexp POSIX Functions
3. PHP ─ Function ereg()
4. PHP ─ Function ereg_replace()
5. PHP ─ Function eregi()
6. PHP ─ Function eregi_replace()
7. PHP ─ Function split()
8. PHP ─ Function spliti()
9. PHP ─ Function sql_regcase()
10. PERL Style Regular Expressions
11. PHP's Regexp PERL Compatible Functions
12. PHP ─ Function preg_match()
13. PHP ─ Function preg_match_all()
14. PHP ─ Function preg_replace()
15. PHP ─ Function preg_split()
16. PHP ─ Function preg_grep()
17. PHP ─ Function preg_quote()

(PHP ─ Error and Exception Handling)

1. Using die() function
2. Defining Custom Error Handling Function
3. Exceptions Handling

(PHP ─ Bugs Debugging)
(PHP ─ Date and Time)

1. Getting the Time Stamp with time()
2. Converting a Time Stamp with getdate()
3. Converting a Time Stamp with date()

(PHP ─ PHP and MySQL)

1. What you should already have?
2. Connecting to MySQL Database
3. Create MySQL Database Using PHP
4. Delete MySQL Database Using PHP
5. Insert Data to MySQL Database
6. Retrieving Data from MySQL Database
7. Using Paging through PHP
8. Updating Data into MySQL Database)
9. Deleting Data from MySQL Database
10. Using PHP to Backup MySQL Database

(PHP ─ PHP and AJAX)

1. What is AJAX ?
2. PHP and AJAX Example
3. Client Side HTML file
4. Server Side PHP file

(PHP ─ PHP and XML)

1. HTML list that's not valid XML
2. HTML list that is valid XML
3. Parsing an XML Document
4. Generating an XML Document

(PHP ─ Object Oriented Programming)

1. Object Oriented Concepts
2. Defining PHP Classes
3. Creating Objects in PHP
4. Calling Member Functions
5. Constructor Functions
6. Destructor
7. Inheritance
8. Function Overriding
9. Public Members
10. Private members
11. Protected members
12. Interfaces
13. Constants
14. Abstract Classes
15. Static Keyword
16. Final Keyword

(PHP ─ PHP for C Developers)

1. Similarities
2. Differences

(PHP ─ PHP for PERL Developers)

1. Similarities
2. Differences


1. PHP ─ Function Reference

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